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Planning Board Minutes 04/05/2007
(603) 798-4350


APRIL 5, 2007

PRESENT: 6pm Chairman Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Richard Arell, Chris Weir, Joanna McIntosh and Secretary Andrea Deachman. 7pm Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm and Fred Ruoff.

Meeting began at 6pm to try to review minutes and other items prior to public hearings, the Board will meet at 6pm for the next few months to try to get other business out of the way prior to the regular agenda

Chairman Towle requested that the Board review the Minutes of March 1, 2007. The following changes were made:  Page 2 Discussion; John & Linda Herman first paragraph last line insert “a” prior to showroom. Discussion: Jay Baas, replace “Bass” with “Baas” in all paragraphs. Second paragraph, third line insert “to” prior to Ray Pelletier. Page 3 first line, insert “to” prior to Charlene Ford. Discussion: Building Fees eighth line down change to read, “Any structure that is not a Dwelling Unit:.

Motion was made to accept the minutes of March 1, 2007 with the above changes.

                McIntosh/Arell                  (Passed)

Chairman Towle requested that the Board review the Minutes of March 20, 2007, working meeting. Under second paragraph, second to last line change “Shoreline Protection Director” to Shoreline Section Supervisor and add see attached e-mails.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with corrections.

                McIntosh/Towle                  (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Brandon Giuda
                                                Chichester Country Store
                                                Site Review – Antique Reproductions
                                                Map 5, Lot 92, Main Street

Abutters Present: None

Mr. Giuda feels that a site review is not necessary due to the fact that the business is a conforming use, maybe the lot in question is non-conforming but not the business.

The reviewer Chris Weir feels that the project should go thru full site review and the Planning Board at their discretion be allowed the opportunity to waive certain requirements.

A memo from the Selectmen with minutes of a Selectmen’s meeting states that the extension was granted to the owner to reopen Chichester Country Store.

Mr. DeBold asked the Board if they felt that this project was in need for a full site review. Mr. DeBold has discussed this issue with Town Council and it is of the opinion of Town Council that you can grant an extension to the property not the business.

The drawing presented by the owner would be used as a point of reference only. The project is just a change of retail business within a retail business building.

The Board was in agreement the project does not need a completed site review at this time, but if there is any increase or substantial change they would need to return to the Board for full site review.

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Jay Baas
                                                Site Review
                                                Conversion of Barn to Rental Unit
                                                Map 8, Lot 4, Depot Road

Abutters present: None

The plans and application were review for this project. The reviewer, Chris Weir, stated that after some work with the applicant the application was in his opinion complete.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.

                        DeBold/Jameson                  (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Jay Baas
                                                Site Review
                                                Conversion of Barn to Rental Unit
                                                Map 8, Lot 4, Depot Road

Abutters present: None

The Board was in agreement that a letter be sent to the Board of Selectmen to be diligent and have the Building Inspector review the site closely due to the fact that the apartment has already been build and by admission of the applicant the installers of plumbing and electrical were knowledgeable but not licensed. Therefore if the Building Inspector is in need of entering any wall to review any electric or plumbing the applicant will need to allow the process as needed without issue.

The Board also is requesting a copy of the Occupancy Permit for the Planning Board files. Letter to the selectmen requesting the Building Inspector be diligent in review of the apartment and do what is needed to properly inspect all aspects of the proposal due to the fact that the apartment already exists.

Motion was made to accept the plans with the removal with the “proposed” wording.

                        Brehm/DeBold                    (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Mark Blasko – Chuckster’s
                                                Site Review – Addition of 2 Pavilions
                                                Map 2, Lot 81, Bailey & Dover Roads

Abutters present: None, Mrs. Patricia Tiernan a resident on Bailey Road was present.
Mr. Blasko presented the Board with plans to add two pavilions to the rear of the lot in place of the “proposed future building” the State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES)considers the proposal as speculative and therefore would not grant approval for the area that the batting cages are placed. Mr. Blasko has come to the Board with the new proposal in hopes to remove any speculative development and add the two 24 feet by 36 feet open air pavilions. The pavilions will be flush to the parking area. The entrance to the property will probably be gated after closing and the pavilions will not be lighted. There will be additional screening of the back of the lot.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.

                        Jameson/Brehm                   (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Mark Blasko – Chuckster’s
                                                Site Review – Addition of 2 Pavilions
                                                Map 2, Lot 81, Bailey & Dover Roads

Mrs. Patricia Tiernan a resident on Bailey Road was present and had a few questions on the proposal.

The plan will reflect that the existing building to read a multi-use building, ice cream stand and office building. Removal of “proposed”

Motion was made to accept the project with the condition of NHDES approval #.

                        McIntosh/Arell                  (Passed)

A letter will be sent to Mr. Blasko for approval as shown for the State.

PUBLIC HEARING:                         TOWN OF CHICHESTER
                                                BUILDING FEES

The Board was in agreement that the Building Inspector Fees needed to be increased due to the increase in gasoline and number of visits for inspections.

Find attached page one of the Building Regulations as amended April 5, 2007.

Motion was made to adopt the building permit regulation fees as attached.

                        DeBold/McIntosh                 (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                             Brent Moses
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 2, Lot 57A & 57B, Horse Corner Road

Mr. Moses would like to do a lot line adjustment to make both his lots more appealing. Both of the lots in question are substandard lots, one lot is 1.56 acres with 330 feet of road frontage and one lot is 4.30 acres with over 600 feet of road frontage. Mr. Moses would like to add to the smaller lot and make it 2 acres and 300 feet of road frontage. Both lots are within the Rural Agricultural zone, which requires 5 acres and 300 feet of road frontage. Mr. Moses has two options, first he could change the lot line without changing acreage or frontage and continue the process with the Planning Board through Public Hearing, or he could go to the Board of Adjustment for an area variance and change the acreage, frontage or both for both lots.

The chairman will contact the town attorney for opinion.  Mr. Moses will be notified.


Brian Forest would like to purchase a piece of property on Route 28 and create a gravel parking area for his trailers. He would leave the existing building but would clear most of the lot for parking. His intentions would be to speak with State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation District 5 to discuss the driveway entrance. The entrance would be paved.

The Board would need a site review plan with state driveway permit and wetlands delineation.

The Board has decided to begin the meetings at 6:30 pm for general Board business and Public Hearings to begin at 7pm

Motion was made to adjourn.

                McIntosh/Ruoff                  (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:30pm.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Bradley Towle